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Can Manuka Honey Stop You Getting A Virus?

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Viruses don’t just cause illness in winter. All through the year viruses can cause us to miss out on our favourite activities, meeting with friends and missing school.

As we write this in the cold weeks leading up to Christmas, getting common viruses like a winter cold or flu will be at the front of most of our minds, we believe protection starts at home, with a strict hygiene regime, but we can also help ourselves and each other by having healthy immune systems.

We love Manuka Honey in any case, but knowing Manuka Honey has nutrients to support a healthy immune system, it makes sense to give your body as much support as you can over the next few weeks and months.

Manuka North offers several Manuka Honey products, from New Zealand, that provide immune support via medicinal grade Manuka Honey.

So, can Manuka Honey stop me getting a virus?

It’s been trusted for centuries by healers all over the world. At a time when we have received a lot of mixed messaging, perhaps now is the time to trust in natural ingredients that have stood the test of time.

Here are three things to remember when choosing your Manuka Honey:

  • Check for the MGO rating. Medicinal grade Manuka Honey is MGO 250+

  • Choose products that are suitable for kids or adults

  • Remember not to give any honey to infants (aged under one year old) unless the product specifically states that it is safe

What else can I do to protect against catching a virus?

There are simple things you can do to help reduce the risk of catching a virus and getting sick.

  • Regularly wash your hands

  • Use an alcohol-based hand gel if you can’t wash your hands

  • Use paper hand towels not dryers to dry your hands

  • Cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze

  • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs

  • Stay home if you’re feeling unwell

  • Don’t have contact with people who are coughing and sneezing

Manuka Honey is great all year round

You want to be out there living life to the fullest, not stuck inside feeling unwell. Use Manuka Honey products all year round to support your immune system and be in the best health to respond to challenges.


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